Welcome and thanks for visiting the website where hopefully you can learn a bit about my background and we can identify how I can assist your script/ book/ or whatever project you have underway?

I have worked as a police consultant and advisor in TV at both development & research stages, script development and production.

I bring 30 years detective experience as an ex New Scotland Yard officer in London and have also worked extensively overseas, experience which I can draw on in terms of procedure, plotting & right down to simple police & criminal slang - all intended to add realism. Likewise if pragmatism demands it I can say how close to reality any situation is?

I’ve been fortunate in my police advising role to date working with many talented people and I hope I can assist you in some way?

I’ve experienced a lot and also have a bulging contacts book around the criminal justice system so if I don’t know something I’ll be honest but I’m equally sure I’ll know someone who does from pathologists to barristers or firearms officers to social workers!

Please take a moment to see what I might be able to offer from procedural advice to plot suggestions and get in touch - drop me an e-mail and we can discuss how I can assist your project either personally or through finding the right contact. It’s good to talk!